Disclaimer: Advise clients they are responsible for reading the House  Expectations in there entirety in the first 72 hours Orientation Status

  1. Alcohol and drug use. Possession and sales are prohibited and may be grounds for immediate dismissal
  2. No gambling of any type is allowed on Pathway House property
  3. All medications even Administration Approved OTC Medications will be kept in the Tech Office in a locked cabinet. Medications are administered at 7:00AM, 8:15AM, 11:45AM, 4:45PM, 8:30PM and 9:45PM. Failure  to take your prescribed medications at directed times will result in a 1
  4. Visiting hours are Saturday 1:00PM-8:00PM and Sunday 11:00AM-6:00PM. Visitors are required to sign a  confidentiality contract, as well as sign in and out in the tech office. Visitors are only allowed in main floor common areas and outside in smoking areas.
  5. Clients are only allowed in their room, they are responsible for their room to be neat at all times and staff can inspect the rooms at any time. Clients are expected to be up and out of bed by 7:00AM and out  of their rooms by 9:00AM during the week.
  6. There are 2 client lines; the main line is the only incoming line so limit your calls to 10 minutes. There is a  message log and an answering machine if you are not available. For longer calls or more privacy there is a  phone next to the laundry room.
  7. Housekeeping is done by the clients, each client is responsible for 1 daily chore and no one can leave until the chores are finished well and approved by staff. There is an extensive weekly deep clean every Wednesday evening. Bring maintenance issues to the attention of staff when discovered.
  8. We only allow packs of tobacco at Pathway House, no loose rolling tobacco, e-cigs, or vaporizers are allowed.  Smoking is only allowed when the back door is open and only allowed on the back patio. Chewing tobacco is also only allowed outside.
  9. Clients receive mail after 4:00PM, the address is…………..
  10. Pathway House is not responsible for any damage, loss or theft of client’s personal property. Abandoned items will be stored for 30 days and then donated to charity. Some items will be stored in locked storage  during the time of a clients stay i.e. luggage, cell phones, prohibited items
  11. Clients are required to respect Pathway House property during their stay, theft or damage of Pathway  House property is grounds for dismissal.
  12. Linens are provided for you and can be exchanged weekly during deep clean for fresh linens.
  13. Clients are expected to be at all meal roll calls, 7:00AM, 12:00PM and 6:00PM. Clients can only miss these  roll calls for work or a staff approved pass. Clients are prohibited from the kitchen unless they have an  assigned task which requires entry into the kitchen. All foods and beverages must be consumed in the dining  room.
  14. Go through the Orientation thoroughly as in the House Expectations
  15. Until you are “Off” restrictions, you can only leave for work, scheduled medical/therapy appointments  and for meetings. Clients can leave 15 minutes before the meeting begins and needs to be back on premises  15 minutes after the meeting ends. Once you are “Off” restrictions curfew is 10:00PM Sun-Thu, lights out at  11:00PM and 11:00PM Fri-Sat, lights out at 12:00AM.
  16. Dress code, no explicit language, inappropriate pictures, and sleeveless/revealing clothing. Hats’ hoods  and head coverings are not allowed inside the house, coats are not allowed to be worn during meals.
  17. Televisions can be on 5:00AM-7:30AM for news or weather, after 8:00PM Mon-Thu, after 6:00PM Fri and  all day Sat-Sun. Provided chores are completed, inspected and deemed satisfactory.
  18. I ask if they are likely to have a car during their stay, 90% say no. If they do and or will I go through in its  entirety.
  19. Bikes must be properly equipped with reflectors for night riding.
  20. Physical contact with fellow clients here, clients at the women’s house and clients at the Gables is  completely prohibited. NO KISSING, HUGGING, PUSHING, SHOVING, PUNCHING, KICKING OR ANYTHING ELSE  WHICH COULD BE DEFINED AS CONTACT. Even if you leave ASA you are not allowed to have contact with our  clients.
  21. Violent or threatening behavior is not tolerated and may be grounds for dismissal. 22) Go through the Program Participation thoroughly as in the House Expectations
  22. Each client is responsible for their own recovery, staff, peers and sponsors can help but you must do the  work.
  23. All clients as well as staff are expected to honor the confidentiality of all clients. What you see here, what  you hear here, all stays here.
  24. Clients are expected to report any instances of misconduct by another client or staff member.
  25. Clients are prohibited from negative situations and environments, bars, pool halls, bowling allies.  Violations of this rule could result in dismissal from the program.
  26. Clients are expected to act in a manner which shines a positive light on Pathway House while in the  community. Loud, vulgar, obnoxious behavior and glorifying the good old days is grounds for dismissal.
  27. Pathway House staff may choose to add or omit from these expectations, responsibilities and privileges  at any time Infractions of these rules will result in consequences i.e. assignments, restrictions and up to and  including dismissal.